May 6th Class


1) Routine Activities

We will begin by greeting each other. Each one will share in class how he/she feels (emotions).

We will put on the necklace and remember the importance and why we use it.

We will sing songs corresponding to emotions, days of the week, months, weather.

Finally we will identify and say today's date and how the weather is today.


2. We will start by observing the vowel song, then we will pause and repeat the song and finally we will sing the vowel song together.

3. We will review the vowels through activities created in a genially dodne the teacher will share screen and give each student the control to select the correct answers, in this activity we will review long and short vowels, the vocabulary related to vowels and professions.

4.Using the mime genially we will observe objects learned the students must identify and say it.

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